Syyclops uses real-time, streaming data from your buildings to generate a heat-map of aspects including Sensors, Energy usage, Asset RUL, Work orders.
Actionable Heat Maps
With any facility, the amount of data that is generated is immense. Some of our colleagues in the higher ed space are receiving 100,000 alerts a day across their campus BMS system. There is no way to be effective in managing and clearing out these alarms and triaging the problems. The solution is to utilize actionable heat maps at the GIS and building level twins, to quickly ascertain then severity of the alert and effectively manage the fix. Spend more time contemplating the “how” to solve the issue, not managing emails and nuisance alarms.
A picture is worth a thousand words, and an actionable heat map is worth 100 pictures. Convey more information with less.
Effectively manage the fix